GUT TRIGGER #5: stress

refined oils. fried food. processed food. french fries. canola oil. vegetable oil.

Tell me one person you know that doesn't experience any stress? I bet you can't ;) We ALL experience stress. Some stress is good.... but when we experience too much, bad things start to happen!

Stress can be external from things such as....
- work
- money
- relationships
- diet

It can also be internal from things such as...
- mood disorders
- chronic illness
- hormone imbalances
- high blood sugar
- processed foods + oils
- under eating
- food sensitivities

Your gut and brain communicate with each other through hormones and the nervous system. When you don’t manage stress, your digestive system slows down, and you start having digestive symptoms. When you have gut inflammation, a leaky gut, or food sensitivities, you are likely to experience more stress, feel depressed, experience brain fog, and feel irritable and anxious. It’s a vicious cycle, but it can be broken!

Managing stress is a major part of your gut healing process. By managing your stress you are taking the burden off the gut and supporting it in its healing process. When you know exactly what to eat to resolve your problem, you no longer have anxiety about your choices. When you start getting rid of your symptoms, you no longer....
- worry about having diarrhea in the wrong time and place
- worry about staying up at night from your stomach pain
- worry about experiencing acid reflux.

Life becomes more enjoyable and you will feel more like yourself again. Let's work on breaking the cycle!

Now that you have ALL of this are probably asking yourself, "what do I do next?!" Stay tuned, I'll be talking about this next!

xo erin