GUT TRIGGER #4: leaky gut


If you poke holes in it, bugs will enter your house. That’s exactly what happens in a leaky gut. The cells that line your intestine are supposed to be joined tightly to one another. If these tight junctions loosen, bacteria/other microbes, their toxins, undigested foods and chemicals in food enter your bloodstream.

They trigger...
muscle + joint pain
brain fog
anxiety + other symptoms on top of digestive complaints.

When bugs enter your house, you whack them to keep your space clean. That’s exactly what the immune system does - it tries to keep your gut "clean." About 70-80% of your immune system is in the gut waiting to attack foreign substances. When our gut lining isn't fully intact, you are likely to develop a food sensitivity, which leads to more inflammation + more discomfort. If you ignore leaky gut, your immune cells will be constantly fired up. They may start attacking your own cells which can lead to autoimmune issues.

If you don’t heal + seal your gut lining with the right nutrients and supplements, you will always have bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea, or constipation. You will continue to have food sensitivities or even develop sensitivities to new foods. It will be a continuous battle of unpleasant symptoms like bloating, brain fog, fatigue, migraines + muscle and joint pain. This leads to the big question - why do we have a leaky gut in the first place?

Stay tuned for the next post... it's all about stress!

xo erin
