Posts tagged anxiety
GUT TRIGGER #4: leaky gut

The lining of your intestine is lie a thin window screen. If you poke holes in it, bugs will enter your house. That’s exactly what happens in a leaky gut. The cells that line your intestine are supposed to be joined tightly to one another. If these tight junctions loosen, bacteria/other microbes, their toxins, undigested foods and chemicals in food enter your bloodstream. They trigger...

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GUT TRIGGER #3: food sensitivities

The truth is, it’s actually quite common to have sensitivities to multiple foods. Even healthy foods like salmon or watermelon can trigger a food sensitivity. You may be familiar with IgE food allergies (the scary reactions that show up immediately after eating things like peanuts or shellfish). Food sensitivities are completely different. You can have a food sensitivity even when your IgE food allergy test is negative. Your symptom can appear up to 3 days after eating the trigger food

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Leaky Gut Quiz

An imbalance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the intestines may contribute to weight gain, high blood sugar, allergies, digestive trouble and other disorders. Picture this….The good bacteria line up like little solders along your gut lining protecting it, but when they are weakened or damaged due to stress, a highly processed diet, alcohol, poor digestive habits etc. the healthy gut lining can be compromised. This weakened gut lining is called leaky gut or intestinal permeability, and can lead to food sensitivity symptoms and many other health issues.

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