Leaky Gut Quiz

IBS. leaky gut. diarrhea. constipation. irregular bowel movements.

We all get minor abdominal symptoms such as gas from time to time, as part of our regular bodily functions. Your abdominal symptoms may be related to something you’ve eaten, the way you ate or some stress in your life. If any of these symptoms persist longer than a few days for no obvious reason, or if they are impacting other aspects of your life, it would be wise to take a deeper look.

According to the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, studies show digestion trouble could affect as many as 13-20% of Canadians, and at any given time in your lifetime there is a 30% risk of developing IBS. Surprisingly, IBS seems to arise significantly more in women than in men in Western Countries. It has been found that men and women who ate identical diets saw different responses in their gut microbiota (University of Texas at Austin, 2014).

Some intriguing facts that could indicate why women typically experience more digestive issues than men:

  • On average, the female colon is about 10cm longer than the male colon, with more twists and turns.

  • Hormones play a role. During the luteal phase (after ovulation), women may see a slowing down of transit in their gut, which can lead to digestive upset and abnormal bowel movements.

The gut microbiome (totality of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi, and their collective genetic material present in the gastrointestinal tract) plays a very important role in your health by helping control digestion, supporting your immune system, and improving other aspects of your health.

An imbalance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the intestines may contribute to weight gain, high blood sugar, allergies, digestive trouble and other disorders.

Picture this….The good bacteria line up like little solders along your gut lining protecting it, but when they are weakened or damaged due to stress, a highly processed diet, alcohol, poor digestive habits etc. the healthy gut lining can be compromised. This weakened gut lining is called leaky gut or intestinal permeability, and can lead to food sensitivity symptoms and many other health issues. 

weak immune system. gut health. leaky gut. sick frequently.

When you have leaky gut, undigested food particles can pass through your gut lining and enter your bloodstream more easily. Food particles “leaking” into the bloodstream can confuse immune cells as invaders and trigger reactions to commonly harmless foods, resulting in food allergies/sensitivities. If your leaky gut is not addressed, it is likely you will continue to develop more food sensitivities. As you continue to eat the food you are sensitive to, inflammation in the gut will continue to remain present and further affect the state of your gut lining.

For some, symptoms are very obvious. For others, it can be easy to miss signs of possible gut problems. By taking 1 minute to take the quiz below, you’ll have a better idea of what symptoms to look for, and if you should seek help.



Let’s test your knowledge of leaky gut symptoms and related conditions. From the list below check off the ones you think are associated with leaky gut.

  1. Joint paint

  2. Food sensitivities

  3. Diarrhea

  4. Mood disorders

  5. Slow metabolism

  6. Constipation

  7. Gas and bloating

  8. Fatigue

  9. Difficulty losing weight

  10. Abdominal pain

avocado toast. gluten sensitivity. dairy sensitivity. pickled onions. food sensitivities. wheat sensitivity.

As surprising as some may seem, all symptoms listed in the quiz are leaky gut symptoms! If you are experiencing any of the symptoms or conditions above, you could be experiencing a leaky gut. Leaky gut can be supported with diet and lifestyle changes. When properly addressed, it can often have a positive impact on improving the symptoms and conditions in the quiz.

Whether we know it or not, we are all on a gut health journey. Everything we do, eat, experience and are exposed to affects our gut. If a Good Gut and pinpointing your food sensitivities is one of your top priorities right now (which I hope it is ;)) here are some situations when you should reach out for additional support.⁣

⁣- you are becoming sensitive to more and more foods. The list of foods you can eat is increasingly limited.⁣

- you have tried different strategies on your own for 6+ months have have not noticed significant improvements⁣.

- you have just completed a round of antibiotics and are experiencing worsened digestion⁣.

- you are finding your limitations and symptoms are effecting your ability to do day-to-day things, holding you back from doing things you love, causing you to miss out on time with your family, or consuming your thoughts.⁣

Your symptoms are likely frustrating, uncomfortable and maybe even painful.⁣ A good gut is crucial to our overall health. I want you to experience the optimal health you deserve so you can live your life to the fullest!

Do you suspect food sensitivities? Are you ready to dig deep & get clear on the root cause?

I would be honoured to be your support & guide in pinpointing your food sensitivities and feeling free from your unwanted symptoms. Check out my Good Gut Method to work 1-on-1 with me!

Not sure if this program is right for you? OR want to learn more about my 1-on-1 program? Schedule a FREE 15-minute discovery call.

xo erin


I came to Erin looking to reduce heartburn enough to no longer need medication, I needed a fast and permanent tool to save me from longterm side-effects. After doing the 10 week plan I can honestly say I wasn't having any of my usual pains and was better fueled for all my days threw at me. I mentioned in our initial meeting I had some headaches that we were able to fix with some basic habits and food prep. I learnt much more than I expected and loved the meal plans, I still use them. Having the knowledge and tools Erin gave me has helped me keep my symptoms in check and reduce the stresses that trigger them. I'm loving the new awareness about my choices and the effects on my mental and physical health. 10/10 would recommend.

- Courtney

*This is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice.