Posts tagged poor digestion
Why I don't believe FIBER is the new PROTEIN

There is such a push to eat more veggies, eat more veggies….. The first thing most people think they need to do to eat “healthier” is eat tons of veggies. YES - we do need fibre for good gut health, but it’s not the only thing, and the timing does matter. When your gut is in a state of imbalance, more doesn’t equal better. Too much can cause more issues. When I work with clients in The Good Gut Method, I see protein under eaten the most. 

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GUT TRIGGER #2: difficulty with digestion

The digestive system functions in a very intricate way. From the first bite to passing what’s left out the other end.....The food you eat goes through many steps in the digestion process. Any problem along the way down will have a ripple effect. If you have digestive issues after eating, or if you feel great in the morning, but by the end of the day you experience...

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