GUT TRIGGER #2: difficulty with digestion



From the first bite to passing what’s left out the other end.....

The food you eat goes through many steps in the digestion process. Any problem along the way down will have a ripple effect. If you have digestive issues after eating, or if you feel great in the morning, but by the end of the day you experience...

stomach pain

......your body may not be digesting and absorbing food properly.

So what makes you unable to digest food?

Medications (antacids, NSAIDs + antidepressants...I am not saying these aren't necessary in some cases), some supplements, depression, anxiety, stress, reduced stomach acid and enzyme production, gut infections — all of these can slow down and affect optimal digestion.

Not only that, digestion can be affected by:
- the way you eat
- how you cook your food
- how you build your meals
- how frequently you eat
- the environment you are eating in
- your mindset

Digestive enzymes may help, but alone they will NOT solve the problem. It is important to note there is a wide variety in the quality of supplements + again because we are all different, what works for one, might not work for the next!

If you don’t fully address your difficulty with digestion, your symptoms will persist, get worse, and lead to bigger problems like leaky gut.

The good news is you’re not destined to live with bad digestion—there are things you CAN do. It starts by building a solid digestive foundation through simple + consistent habits.

Keep an eye out for my next blog post, gut trigger #3!

xo erin