Everything you need to know about Constipation


Constipated but don’t know it?

Did you know you can poop daily + still be constipated?

We eliminate most of our toxins through our poop, so when we don’t have regular bowel movements, these toxins remain in our body + are reabsorbed. If constipation has been an issue for a long time, overtime the toxins in your stool will irritate the lining of your intestines. This irritation leads to inflammation + a leaky gut, resulting in food sensitivities + malabsorption of nutrients.

There are many COMMON signs of constipation… BUT just because they are common, does NOT mean they are normal! Even more importantly…far from optimal!

Do any of these sound like you?

- Needing a cup of coffee (or caffeine) to poop
- Only pooping 2-3 times a week
- Deer pellet poops
- Straining to poop
- Taking laxatives to poop
- Not feeling complete after you go to the bathroom

What does a normal poop look like?

We can learn a LOT from our poop from the shape, texture, colour + frequency. These attributes give us a good indication of our digestive health! A normal poop should be towards shades of brown (light to dark), soft, painless + appear to be between 3-4 on the Bristol stool chart. Everyone should have AT LEAST 1 bowel movement a day... but it could easily be 3 times a day if your gut in functioning optimally.

Crazy how many factors that can cause constipation isn’t it?

+ these are just a few…..

lacking fiber


food sensitivities


pelvic floor dysfunction



slow motility

lack of sleep

Still aren’t sure if you are constipated?

Here is a simple + cheap at home test you can try:

poop test. beet test. transit time in the gut. bowel transit time. at home beet test. benefits of beets.

- Eat 1/2-1 cup of cooked beets (track date + time they were consumed.)
- Observe your poop for the red colour of the beets

Ideal transit time should be 12- 24 hours. If it is MORE than 24 hours this may mean your bowels are not eliminating + wastes are sitting in your colon for too long. Less than 12 hour transit time could mean that you are experiencing malabsorption of nutrients. Either could indicate a hidden food intolerance which could be pinpointed by following the elimination diet In The Good Gut Method.

Try this test a few times if you are unsure of the results. If it is continuously slow OR too fast, it’s time to get support!


daily exercise. constipation remedies. constipation hacks. daily movement. daily bowel movement.

MOVEMENT (more than a bowel movement ;)) - aim for 20 minutes of movement a day! Get outside for a walk and enjoy the weather!!

FLAXSEED - add 1-2 TBSP of flaxseed to your diet daily. I love to include flax in pancake form. Search "Regular" Gluten Free Pancakes for a yummy recipe! (When increasing fiber ALWAYS increase your water intake)

SQUATTY POTTY - or any stool for that matter! This helps your body be in a more natural position to poop.

MAGNESIUM CITRATE - helps bring water in the colon so it is easier to pass.

REMEMBER you need to figure out the underlying issues + remove the triggers. These tips can help temporarily but will not solve the problem. We need to figure out the WHY!


What can happen if you don’t treat constipation?

- hormone imbalances

- fecal impaction

- bowel obstruction

- anal fissures

- rectal bleeding

- rectal prolapse

- hemorrhoids

None of these sound desirable IMO….

We want to prevent constipation from getting to a point where these complications can occur + develop proper habits to keep things regular! We talked about some simple natural constipation remedies which can work like a charm - but it’s important to remember… these will NOT fix the problem of your constipation. Although they can provide relief, they may not target the underlying pathophysiology.

Are you ready to live a life that doesn’t revolve around constipation + be able to enjoy the things you love more? In the Good Gut Method, we work on discovering the underlying issues that are contributing to your constipation so you can find LONG TERM solutions + get your life back! Enrol in the Good Gut Method today to get to the bottom of your constipation ;)

***If you haven’t pooped in a week or more, it’s important to seek medical attention to avoid severe complications.***

xo erin