THE GUT SERIES: how to identify the root cause of your gut problems

If you reading this blog post, it might be because you are struggling with some of the symptoms my clients often face:

stomach pain. gas and bloating. stomach cramps. diarrhea. constipation.

- stomach pain
- bloating
- heartburn/acid reflux
- diarrhea/constipation
- IBS like symptoms
- fatigue name a few.

Whatever you’re currently experiencing, I imagine it's incredibly frustrating, uncomfortable and even painful. Your gut problems could even be affecting the quality of your ways you may not even realize.

I'm sure you have already tried a few things to resolve your gut problems — maybe you have gone to the doctor, tried over-the-counter medication, experimented with your diet, etc. BUT you’re here because you feel like you haven’t quite figured it out. You are still experiencing symptoms and realize there is a piece of the puzzle missing!

Let me reassure you. Yes, you are most likely right - there IS a piece of the puzzle you’re missing. Something going on with your gut, and you can't figure out what is causing the problem. My goal in the next couple of days is to help you become more knowledgeable about your gut health.


So you can feel empowered and take charge of your own health by educating yourself + understanding where your symptoms might be coming from. What we discuss might not be something your doctor has ever mentioned + maybe never will. (I'm not saying I know more than doctors and that they don't play an important role. But from my experience, I would rather not take a medication for every symptom I experience.)

Without addressing the root are left continuously struggling with your symptoms....

Maybe your Doctors HAS talked about your diet, but it can feel overwhelming. You may feel lost when they tell you to “change your diet” or “just eat healthy.” What does that really mean? They may give you a diet on a piece of paper, but you’re left alone to figure out how to apply it on your own. You + I both know it’s not that easy/simple to do without some guidance.

In this gut series, I’ll help you get closer to the root cause of your problem, so you can get relief once + for all, without being reliant on medication + quick fixes.


— not worrying every single morning if you’re going to get through the day without a stomach problem
— not having to locate a bathroom everywhere you go
— being able to go places where bathrooms aren’t always accessible
— wearing any clothes you want because your stomach no longer bloats after you eat
— not experiencing stomach pain and digestive issues that keep you laying on the couch instead of doing things you like or going out with friends
— having regular bowel movements and not feeling weighed down, uncomfortable, or irritated from constipation
— eating without fear of food causing heartburn or other digestive problems.

food sensitivities. leaky gut. gluten free bread. fiber rich food. gluten free breakfast.

What would it mean to you if....

— You had enough energy and clarity to focus on the things you love in your life because you no longer had to worry about your gut issues?

— You were confident that the foods you eat are supporting optimal gut health + STILL taste good?

— You could go a day (or even a week) without bloating?

Stick around to learn how to get your gut health (+ your life) back to normal. Skip to my next few blog posts where we will take a deep dive into 5 potential triggers for your gut issues, to help you get to the bottom of your symptoms and get to the root cause!

Here’s to a GOOD GUT :)
