Meat Sweats Pie

This has become a Christmas Eve tradition at my parents house. We have strong traditions in my family…even down to the food we eat on Christmas eve. We have a feast of appetizers and each year a couple things are added…but there are some core appies that have never changed. Tourtiere (a French Canadian meat pie) being one of them….until I stepped in! I used to eat this and love this growing up… but when I found out I had a gluten sensitivity I was devastated. SO my brother and I decided to get creative and make a gluten free meat pie. We wanted to keep it similar and thought…. why not just make a pie with ALL the meats! And this is how our meat pie was created. (I mean it’s not that similar….but they are both pies….right??)

For a couple of years we had both the tourtiere and our meat pie…but apparently the our meat pie creation came out on top and tourtiere has been kicked out of the lineup.

Did I forget to mention - it’s gluten free, and EVERYONE loves it? :)

bacon weave. meat pie.

I mean how can you go wrong by layering all of these meats?! I don’t think you can!

CAUTION: This pie is meant for sharing….or you WILL get the meat sweats ;)


Total time 1 hour 45 minutes

Serves 10-12


1 large sweet potato

1/2 tbsp olive oil

3/4 lb ground turkey

2 eggs

3/4 pound of ground beef

250 g prosciutto

300g of sliced pepperoni

2 chicken breasts

14 strips of bacon


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350f.

  2. Slice your sweet potato into rounds. Coat with olive oil and bake for 15-20 minutes until they are soft.

  3. While sweet potato is cooking, cook ground turkey + ground beef and chicken breast separately. Season with salt and pepper.

  4. Transfer ground meat into two separate bowls and mix one egg in each bowl of meat. This will help the meat stay together when baking into your pie.

  5. Shred your chicken in a separate bowl.

  6. Once sweet potatoes are cooked later the meat - ground turkey, pepperoni, ground beef, prosciutto, shredded chicken.

  7. Weave your bacon on top

  8. Bake at 350f for 45-60 minutes until the meat cooks together and the bacon is crispy.

  9. Let it rest for 20 minutes. Slice like a pie and serve!


Don’t be afraid to under cook the ground meat a bit - it will finish cooking in the pie and then won’t be so dry.


xo erin


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