Hot Crossed Muffins

hot crossed buns.

I don’t know about you - but i’m one of those people who forgets to add something in a recipe like almost EVERY time! I had scooped all the muffin batter into the muffin liners and was ready to pop them in the oven….and realized I had forgotten to add the RAISINS! You can’t have hot crossed anything with out the raisins!

SO I scooped all of the batter back into the bowl and mixed in the raisins…

Scott + I had our first Easter together as a married couple! We celebrated Easter the weekend before with my family so Easter weekend we got to spend with each other! Because it was just the two of us we went ALL out- roasted an amazing lamb with potatoes and carrots, streamed asparagus + had these yummy muffins for dessert!

I was on my little ‘instagram fast’ during easter, so this post is a little late, but these muffins are great for any occasion! They are perfect for breakfast as well! AND are especially good with some butter spread inside :)

Hot Crossed Muffins

Recipe adapted from Nourisheveryday


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xo erin