What I Did This Weekend For a Fast Metabolism

“How do I speed up my metabolism (is there actually a way to do that?)”

Are you tired of feeling like you have a slow metabolism and struggling to lose weight no matter what you do? You're not alone!

Oh to be 10 again and be able to eat a ton and never gain a pound!

Isn’t this what we ALL want? to be able to eat more and weigh LESS?

Firstly, let's clear up a common misconception - your metabolism isn't set in stone. And you aren’t destined to a slow metabolism for life. While genetics can play a role, you can take steps to speed up your metabolism and improve your body's ability to burn calories. Here are some habits to start incorporating into your life:

A slow metabolism has a direct impact on digestion and your gut health. A slow metabolism can lead to a cascade of problems - food takes longer to travel through your digestive system which can lead to constipation, which can lead to recirculating hormones which can lead to hormonal imbalances.

By taking a holistic approach you CAN have eat more and weigh less (and avoid gut + hormone imbalances.)

So heres what I did this weekend….

  1. Ate about 2000 calories a day -

    with no plans to cleanse or restrict my calories during the week! Eating less and exercising more is a good recipe for a slow metabolism.

  2. Slept 7-8 hours a night -

    without waking, even to pee…psst peeing in the night can be a sign of a slow metabolism) sleep is one of the best times to burn fat ;)

  3. I took a rest day from the gym -

    I quit my gym obsession. No more excessive cardio or “never miss a morning.” Working HARDER is not always better.

  4. I ate nutrient dense foods.

    Nutrient density > counting calories. This meant milk, chicken thighs, honey, coconut oil NOT zero calorie syrups, nut milks, stevia or volume meals.

  5. I went out for dinner with friends.

    Nourishment is more than what you eat - it’s also spending time with people you love. Having to say no to activities because you are avoiding carbs takes a toll on your mental health and is very isolating. A GNO was just what I needed!

Remember, small changes over time can make a big difference. Pick one or two habits to focus on at a time and gradually build on them. By nourishing your body in the right way, you can improve your metabolism, eat more delicious food, and live a more vibrant life.

What healthy habits are you excited to start implementing?

-xo erin


PS Want to join dozens of ladies inside The Good Gut Method to speed up your metabolism?

I’ll show you my step by step method to fire up your metabolism and optimize your gut how you can eat to optimize your gut WHILE feeling satisfied and with zero guilt 👇🏻

Make more memories with your family and friends 

Feel like yourself again (confident in your body AND food choices)

Work smarter, not harder.

Check out The Good Gut Method online course!