I'm going to let you in on a little gut health secret.....

Every time we go away I have this need to throw everything in the fridge away. Or finish it (which can result in some funky meals or snacks.)

We often go visit my in-laws for the weekend and I get this idea that it's going to take over our fridge, rot, explode, mold, take over everything in the fridge and who knows what else.... 

Scott knows how it goes...

"Eat this last bit of yogurt or it will go to waste."

"If you get milk only get a small one."

I guess I have to remind myself that the milk we buy doesn't expire for a month.... same with the yogurt....and it won't know we are gone for one weekend - ooof. 

He usually gets the big milk.... and it's always fine after the weekend.

In a weird way.... this makes me think of you

I'm going to let you in on a little gut health secret….

The way I handle our fridge situation before we go away for the weekend is that same way I handled my gut issues for years.....

And it kept me stuck.

How did I handle it?

In all or nothing thinking

You feel that if you break your diet or gut health protocol in any way, you might as well just give up completely.

Maybe you eat a bite of a cookie. Then a few minutes later you go back, and have another bite. Then a few minutes pass and you go back and eat the rest of the cookie. You are upset because you ate a whole cookie and it was “off plan,” so you tell yourself, well I already messed up I might as well have more….

This type of thinking can be very damaging, as it's not sustainable or realistic in the long-term.

It's important to remember that life is about progress, not perfection. When you fall into the trap of all or nothing thinking, you can't appreciate any progress you make, because you set the bar too high. By expecting perfection from yourself, you can easily become overwhelmed, discouraged, and frustrated.

Not ONE of my clients has followed the Good Gut Method 100% perfectly. And they have STILL seen results. No more painful bloating, eczema clearing up, steady energy throughout the day, losing weight effortlessly, being able to tolerate foods like dairy and corn again, getting their period back after months of not having it, improving their relationship with food, confidence in knowing exactly what to eat…and so much more!

Life isn't one-dimensional. It's not just about success or failure, but rather a combination of both. Every failure you experience can be seen as an opportunity to learn and become better. Every challenge you face is teaching you something new. Every setback gives you a chance to start again with a better understanding. Having support and guidance along the way, helps you stay focused on this mindset so you CAN see results quicker.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dieting and optimizing your gut. In my self paced course, The Good Gut Method, i’ll teach you what to do so you can find what works for you. I teach you how to be mindful of your eating habits and not let one slip-up become a slippery slope. I teach you techniques so instead of beating yourself up, you can move on without guilt.

Learning HOW your physiology works and what foods support it allows you to sustain a diet and lifestyle where you don’t have to think in terms of “all or nothing.”

I can leave food in my fridge over the weekend without wasting it, I can release the all or nothing thinking around the food in our fridge. In the same way you can become consistent with your gut health goals, without the all or nothing thinking and still overcome your bloating, support a fiery metabolism and overcome your food sensitivities!

it was possible for me, it’s been possible for dozens of women inside the Good Gut Method, and it’s possible for YOU too!

Connect with me on Instagram and send me a message to learn more about my self paced course to help you optimize your gut to overcome your bloating, maintain your weight + enjoy foods again!

-xo erin