5 go to’s on our good gut grocery list!

I used to LOVE grocery shopping….and to be honest I still do (most of the time.) But I find I don’t have as much time as I used to, to just browse the isles and check out every food in the natural section - which in my opinion is the funnest part! Find me in a health food store or the natural isle… and i’m like a kid in a candy store. It is surprising though how many foods you will find in the natural section have huge ingredients lists just like you would find in the regular isles. Do you find yourself asking “is this healthy? are these ingredients okay?” We make it more complicated than it has to be. Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated, stick to whole foods and short ingredients lists and you are headed in the right direction to support a healthy gut!

In our house, our main focus is choosing nutrient dense foods. Here are 5 whole foods you will always find on our grocery list and why ;)



The fiber in carrots binds with toxins to help eliminate them from the body. It can help with PMS symptoms, headaches, and IBS symptoms. I eat a raw carrot daily either whole or as a raw carrot salad to support a good gut and happy hormones! It’s super easy to make and a family favourite.


Coconut water

Coconut water is high in potassium, an important electrolyte. Even if you eat a healthy diet most people don’t get enough potassium in their diet. Potassium helps with moving food along in your digestive tract. If you don’t have enough of the mineral, you can become constipated. In our house drink it plain or mixed with orange juice + a pinch of Redmond’s Real Salt. You can use my code ERINLAMB for 10%OFF any Redmond products.



We love apples! Especially for making stewed apples which are extremely nourishing for the gut and make a yummy dessert. Stewed apples contain prebiotics to feed the good bacteria in your gut. Find the recipe here! You will love this comforting recipe this fall. Eat them plain, on oatmeal, with ice cream, with cheese..there are endless options!



Ginger promotes elimination of intestinal gas, relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract, and stimulates digestion. We love using ginger in a lot of Asian dishes, especially on poke bowls. You could also drink ginger tea!

Tip: peel your ginger , chop it into 1 inch knobs and freeze it. It makes it WAY easier to grate when cooking.


Chicken with the bone in

Eating chicken with the bone in is an excellent source of collagen. It helps us get more nutrients and variety rather than just muscle meat. We love chicken wings, chicken thighs with the skin on and drumsticks. Chicken wings and drumsticks also make dinner with kids more fun because they are super easy for them to hold and keep them busy for a long time!

Follow me over on Instagram where i’ll be sharing more of our weekly grocery list items!
Now tell me, what are your weekly grocery staples? Share in the comments below!

How Can I Help?

Download my FREE GUIDE: A Beginners Guide for Good Gut Health (including a gut health assessment!

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