Are you making this big mistake?

I’m guilty of drinking kombucha, avoiding sugar + taking a probiotic...

They say…. “do this for gut health” or  "take that for gut health"… But implementing gut supporting habits is different than fixing your gut.

If there is digestive dysfunction, a probiotic or fermented foods aren’t going to get you OUT of digestive dysfunction. It’s not about the symptom. It's the SYSTEM.

I see this time + time again. I see women chasing quick fixes like new diets, or supplements to make their symptoms go away + they end up in the same place, months or years later wondering “where did I go wrong?”

I’ve been there🙋🏼‍♀️

  • When I had uncontrollable sugar cravings, I cut out sugar.

  • When I couldn’t maintain my weight - I exercised more + weighed all my food.

  • When I was bloated, I took a probiotic + I drank kombucha

  • When I was constipated, Iate tons of fibre

It was this vicious cycle - I would eat some fermented foods + start to feel a bit better. But the symptoms always came back...… maybe even new symptoms so I would try a new diet! I didn’t have my foundations in place + I wasn’t addressing my digestive system as a WHOLE.

It was stressful, exhausting + frustrating 😴😭 You may have felt the same. You feel like you have been trying SO hard but are stuck in the same place💛

I want you to ask yourself a few questions, 

❓Am I focusing on what I should add INTO my diet vs. what  I should cut out?

❓Am I hyper focusing on one symptom (like bloating or stubborn weight)?

❓IF I don’t see results quickly do I jump to the next thing?

❓Do I trust my body or am I anxious about the food I’m eating?

It’s time to stop spinning your wheels, implementing the next hot tip someone recommends for gut health. It’s more than just adding in more “good bacteria” with probiotics + kombucha.  If your foundations aren’t in place, the vicious cycle will keep spinning 😵‍💫 

Inside the Good Gut Method✨ I'll teach you how to ensure your digestive system is working from TOP to BOTTOM. 👏🏼Let’s stop the cycle from spinning👏🏼

If you want to…

✨have structure and a proven method to get to the bottom of your symptoms, addressing your entire digestive system rather than one symptom.

✨understand what truly nourishes your body so you can build a healthy relationship with food

✨develop consistent and sustainable habits (goodbye to starting over every Monday!)

Then check out the Good Gut Method

-xo erin

erin lamb