An Honest Confession about.....Artificial Sweeteners

ZERO CALORIES? Sign me up!!!

All those low calorie protein bars + foods were my thing…because it had “no sugar!” But it’s almost freaky to think - this thing or drink I am consuming has zero calories… but is so flavourful, sweet and delicious! As good as they taste (ahem diet coke) it can be negatively affecting your gut microbiome.

diet coke. artificial sweeteners. zero calories. aspartame. zero calorie drinks.

Artificial sweeteners have been linked to behavioural and cognitive problems including learning problems, headache, seizures, migraines, irritable moods, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. However, more human studies are needed to clarify these preliminary findings. Although evidence is mixed, it’s important to understand artificial sweeteners may disrupt the balance of your gut bacteria.

hand. fingerprint. fingerprints.

There have been animal studies showing effects on the gut microbiome, dysbiosis (an imbalance of bacteria), blood sugar issues + weight gain…but these don’t translate to humans. Human studies of artificial sweeteners are inconsistent: some show it’s beneficial as a sugar alternative, others show it’s NO good! Our gut is like a fingerprint - no two people peoples are the same which can explain why the information is conflicting, as everyone’s gut will respond differently to artificial sweeteners.

In the past - assessments on whether artificial sweeteners are safe to consume haven’t addressed the affects they have on the gut. There is constantly new research, but the initial FDA approvals were done at a time where we didn’t understand as much as we do today about the gut! This is why it is “safe” to consume although there can be negative long term effects.

From my experience with clients as well as myself - I have seen the benefits on their gut health + digestive issues when artificial sweeteners are removed. People will often become less tolerant to sugar by consuming artificial sweeteners. Although more research needs to be done, I don’t recommend using artificial sweeteners. 

What are your favourite foods that contain artificial sweeteners?

Do you suspect food sensitivities? Are you ready to dig deep & get clear on the root cause?

I would be honoured to be your support & guide in pinpointing your food sensitivities and feeling free from your unwanted symptoms. Check out my Good Gut Method to work 1-on-1 with me!

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