Smash or Pass Gut Health Edition

Who doesn’t love a fun trend? I’ll be honest, I love that crocs are trendy right now. Like ew, they are so ugly…. but I was obsessed with how comfy they were as a teen and still think so to this day. The best part.. if it randomly starts raining they aren’t going to get wrecked like Birkenstocks. But I digress to health trends…. where my real passion lies. Welcome to the latest health trends in a "smash or pass" edition. With so many health fads and trends out there, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth trying and which ones are just a waste of time and money. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular health trends of the moment and give our verdict on whether they're worth "smashing" or "passing" on. From the latest fitness crazes to trendy diets, we'll cover it all so that you can make an informed decision about which health trends to try and which ones to skip. So, buckle up and get ready to find out which health trends are worth your time and which ones are just a passing fad.

pass: yearly parasite cleanses.

SMASH: building a resilient gut and supporting healthy detox pathways

We come into contact with parasites ALL the time. They say “if you have a pulse you have a parasite.” So most importantly you NEED to ensure that your stomach acid levels are adequate so they can protect you from pathogens!

pass: eating low carb

SMASH: eating for balanced blood sugar

Your thyroid needs carbs. Your brain needs carbs. Your skin needs carbs. Your gut needs carbs. Your hormones need carbs. If you are eating low carb to combat cravings, instead let’s figure out WHY you are having cravings in the first place :)

pass: juice cleanses

SMASH: supporting your detox organs

Juice cleanses = LOW in protein. Protein is necessary for your liver to detox properly. I can’t forget to mention if your detox pathways are NOT open toxins will re-circulate in your body which can do more harm than good! We need to ensure your drainage organs are supported so you can actually eliminate toxins.

pass: HIIT + boot camp classes

SMASH: strength training + good gut girl walks

Have you seen the changes you are looking for with the amount of effort you are putting into your workouts? These types of workouts put your body in survival mode AKA stress hormones impacting your hormones, metabolism and gut health. This makes it harder to lose weight sustainably.

pass: pre-workout

SMASH: getting 8 hours of sleep

Are you bloated? Constipated? Do you have digestive issues? If you need pre-workout you should be staying home. In order to bring things back into balance your body needs to feel safe. If your body is asking you to slow down - practice listening.

pass: normalizing fatigue, bloating, heartburn

SMASH: optimizing your gut health

Trust me, band-aid solutions like Tums to relieve your heartburn, caffeine to make it through the day and sucking in to hide your bloating will keep you feeling like a hamster running on his hamster wheel. It’s like going on a run day after day with an injured knee, your knee will never heal.

Send me a DM on Instagram letting me know which one surprised you the most :) I always love hearing from you!

much love,

xo erin